Western Caspian University

The International Day of Geographical Information Systems will be held

On November 16, at 10:30 a.m., a seminar and a poster exhibition will be organized in connection with the International Day of Geographical Information Systems, organized by the Western Caspian University and "Caucasus Geosurvey" LLC within the framework of joint business-university cooperation.

Students of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection and the use of GIS in various fields of ecology and students of the Department of Information Technology, the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence in GIS and "data" science and its use in GIS, will show poster presentations.

After the poster presentation, the university teacher c.u.f.d. Rauf Amanov's speech entitled "Using GIS in scientific research" will be heard. The speech will show the use of GIS technology in various fields of science and business, as well as the possibilities of wide application of this technology in international and local projects.