Western Caspian University


Western Caspian University's Policy on Gender equality



Western Caspian University's Policy on Gender Equality was updated by

Scientific Council on 15.06.2023 with the №09

Since its inception, Western Caspian University has prioritized gender equality, actively supporting, and encouraging female applicants to pursue and attain high positions within the institution. The university's "Gender Research Center," operational since 2000, has been dedicated to addressing gender-related issues. Aligned with the strategic plan for 2020-2025, the university is committed to fostering gender equality through various initiatives.

Commitment 1: Gender Equality

  • Establishment of Support Systems:

Implement support systems for female students and faculty, including mentorship programs, counseling services, and networking opportunities to foster a supportive environment.

  • Gender-Neutral Facilities:

Ensure the availability of gender-neutral facilities on campus, including restrooms and changing rooms, to create an inclusive and comfortable environment for everyone.

  • Flexible Work Policies:

Introduce flexible work policies that accommodate the diverse needs of both male and female staff, promoting a healthy work-life balance.

  • Equal Pay and Benefits:

Commit to ensuring equal pay for equal work and equitable distribution of benefits among all employees, regardless of gender.

  • Gender-Responsive Curriculum:

Review and update academic curricula to incorporate gender-responsive content and perspectives across various disciplines.

  • Addressing Gender-Based Violence:

Develop and implement clear policies to address and prevent gender-based violence on campus, providing a safe reporting mechanism and support services for victims.

  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion:

Actively promote diversity and inclusion in all aspects of university life, encouraging the participation of individuals from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and gender identities.

  • Promoting Women in STEM:

Implement initiatives to encourage and support women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, addressing any existing gender disparities.

  • Periodic Gender Equality Audits: Conduct regular audits to assess the effectiveness of gender equality initiatives and identify areas for improvement, ensuring ongoing commitment to the cause.
  • Engaging Men in Gender Equality: Develop programs that engage men in conversations about gender equality, fostering a collaborative approach to address and eliminate gender-based biases and stereotypes.
  • Partnerships with External Organizations: Establish partnerships with external organizations and NGOs working on gender equality to leverage resources and knowledge for a more comprehensive approach.
  • Visibility of Women in Leadership: Actively promote and celebrate the achievements of women in leadership positions within the university, serving as positive role models for aspiring female students and professionals.

Commitment 2: Life-long Learning and Success:

  • To provide equal opportunities to every student, irrespective of gender
  • to ensure a fair and just grading system, emphasizing merit and achievement without any bias based on gender.

Commitment 3: No Chasing for Sexual Orientation

At Western Caspian University, we recognize the importance of fostering an inclusive and non-discriminatory environment. In alignment with this commitment:

  • We provide a supportive environment for members of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community.
  • Equal chances and opportunities in education are extended to all members of the LGBT community.
  • A fair and just grading system is implemented, ensuring that members of the LGBT community are evaluated without bias.
  • Equal access to university facilities, including the library, canteen, and other amenities, is guaranteed for all members of the LGBT community.

This commitment reflects our dedication to creating a campus where diversity is embraced, and every individual, regardless of sexual orientation, is afforded the same rights and opportunities. We believe in a university culture that values and respects the uniqueness of each person, contributing to a rich and vibrant academic community.

Commitment 4. Achieve Equal representation of Women and Men in Managerial Positions and Maintain a Balanced Workforce:

In our pursuit of gender equality, Western Caspian University is committed to achieving equal representation of women and men in managerial positions and maintaining a balanced workforce. To realize this commitment, the university will:

  • Ensure the provision of positions for female members in administrative, scientific bodies, and youth organizations, aiming for equal representation.
  • Uphold gender equality principles within the academic staff by implementing policies that foster a balanced representation of both genders.

These commitments affirm our dedication to creating an inclusive organizational structure that values diversity and ensures equitable opportunities for professional growth.

Commitment 5: Ways to Identify, Analyze, and Solve Inequality Issues:

  • Western Caspian University recognizes the importance of continuous improvement in identifying, analyzing, and addressing inequality issues. To achieve this, the university commits to the following actions:
  • Conduct a comprehensive gender analysis of the workforce to identify existing problems and gaps. This involves holding discussions and making suggestions for improvement.
  • Measure gender gaps systematically, ensuring ongoing monitoring and assessment of progress.
  • Conduct surveys at the school, department, and chair levels to identify specific challenges related to gender equality. Provide detailed analysis of survey results and implement targeted


Responsible bodies: 

Chancellor of Social and Humanities

Monitors regulations and implementation of University’s discipline

Department of Human Resources, Department of Law

Monitor the implementation of the Labor Code of the Azerbaijan Republic

Gender Research Center

Conduct academic research and prepare reports