Western Caspian University


Goal 9 : Infrastructure, Industrialisation and Innovation

 “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”

Developing and maintaining world-class infrastructure and investing in entrepreneurship and innovation are two of our priorities, and the benefits can be felt around our University, in the local community and beyond. We encourage not only our students but also community members when it comes to innovation. Our Technopark gives technical support and share its expertise (new ideas and startups) with all who are interested. In addition, the Technopark connects young innovators with our partners and helps them realize their projects. The Technopark was originally to help only our students at the beginning but now it is open to the public and all are  welcome to get assistance from our experts.


We provide 11 modules in the bachelor and master programs where our local and foreign educators provide high quality education with a modern curriculum and more than 600 students have the opportunity to choose these modules. During these programs we aim to enhance our students’ theoretical knowledge within classrooms and implement practical skills on the field.

Additionally, Western Caspian University has university 2 spin-offs; Western Junior High School and Collage of Western Caspian University.


What we are doing

Investments in infrastructure – transport, irrigation, energy and information and communication technology – are crucial to achieving sustainable development and empowering communities in many countries. It has long been recognized that growth in productivity and incomes, and improvements in health and education outcomes require investment in infrastructure.

Educational campuses are designed with modern infrastructure that have auto doors, new ventilation systems, and emergency exits. In our campuses, we also make sure that there are easy accesses of university facilities for disabled people.


1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose

Western Caspian University is committed to sustainability and recognizes its importance
integrating environmental, social, and governance factors into its investment decisions. Easy
institution of higher education, we understand the role we play in shaping a sustainable future for
our students, staff, and the broader community. This Sustainable Investment Policy reflects our
commitment to responsible investing practices that generate positive financial returns while also
contributing to positive environmental and social impact.

1.2 Scope

This Sustainable Investment Policy applies to all investment decisions made by Western Caspian
University and its affiliated entities. It covers all types of investments, including but not limited to
endowment funds, pension funds, and other financial assets managed by the university.

2. Investment Principles

Environmental Sustainability: We seek to invest in companies that actively reduce their
environmental impact. This includes companies that prioritize renewable energy, energy efficiency,
waste reduction, and sustainable resource management.

Social Responsibility: Western Caspian University is committed to investing in companies that
uphold high standards of social responsibility. Our investments are guided by principles that
prioritize fair labor practices, respect for human rights, and positive social impact.

Governance: Investments will prioritize companies with transparent and ethical governance
practices. Western Caspian University recognizes the importance of transparency and ethics
governance practices in the companies in which it invests. Our governance principles guide us
investment decisions to support companies that demonstrate strong governance structures and

3. Our Objectives

Integrate Sustainability: Incorporate ESG Factors into Investment Decisions

Western Caspian University is committed to integrating environmental, social, and governance
(ESG) factors into its investment decisions. This involves considering how companies manage
their impact on the environment, society, and governance practices when making investment
choices. By incorporating ESG factors, the university aims to align its investments with its values
and contribute to sustainable development.

3.2 Achieve Competitive Financial Returns While Managing ESG Risks
While prioritizing sustainability, Western Caspian University also aims to achieve competitiveness
financial returns. This involves carefully managing ESG risks, such as those related to climate
change, regulatory compliance, and reputation. By integrating ESG considerations into its
investment strategy, the university seeks to enhance long-term financial performance while
contributing to positive environmental and social outcomes.

3.3 Support Impactful Environmental and Social Initiatives
Western Caspian University will utilize its investments to promote sustainability awareness within
the academic community and advocate for responsible investment practices at both local and
international levels.

4. Investment Criteria

4.1 ESG Performance: We give priority to investing in companies with robust environmental,
social, and governance (ESG) performance. This encompasses companies with well-defined ESG
policies and practices, actively striving to enhance their ESG performance progressively.

4.2 Social Impact: We prioritize investments that make a positive impact on society and the
environment. This involves investing in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, clean
technology, and other sectors that contribute to a more sustainable future.
4.3 Long-Term Value: We aim for investments that provide enduring value and sustainability.
This involves investing in companies with strong growth prospects, competitive advantages, and a
firm commitment to sustainability.
4.4 Stakeholder Engagement: We value companies that engage with their stakeholders, including
employees, customers, suppliers, and the communities in which they operate

5. Monitoring and Reporting

5.1 Regular Reporting: We will provide regular reports on the performance of our sustainable
investments to stakeholders. These reports include updates on the financial performance of the
investments as well as their impact on ESG factors.

These faculties have courses/modules related to the goal

Life Sciences

Science and Engineering

Political Sciences, Arts and Humanities