Western Caspian University


Goal 11 : Sustainable Cities and Communities

“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”


We provide 30 modules in the bachelor and master programs where our local and foreign educators provide high quality education with a modern curriculum and more than 700 students have the opportunity to choose these modules. During these programs we aim to enhance our students’ theoretical knowledge within classrooms and implement practical skills on the field.

What we are doing

Making cities safe and sustainable means ensuring access to secure and affordable housing, and upgrading slum settlements.

The increasing concentration of people in urban environments means that social, economic and environmental demands for living and working are under pressure.

The lifestyle of people is influenced by their physical environment. Greening of cities improves air quality, reduces noise nuisance, encourages physical activity, reduces stress and aggression and increases social cohesion. We encourage you to use public transport and bicycles. 


Tree-planting campaign 2021

Photo Gallery 


Events related to the goals


This Sustainable Procurement Policy establishes the framework for Western Caspian University
procurement activities, guiding our approach to sourcing goods, services, and works in a manner that
is ethical, environmentally responsible, and socially beneficial.By adopting this policy, the
University aims to enhance its reputation as a responsible institution, reduce its environment
footprint, and contribute to the well-being of the communities in which it operates.


The Purpose of this Policy is to:

a) ensure that all purchases made by the University are ethical and sustainable by minimizing
any negative environmental, social and economic impacts from purchases

b) ensure compliance with relevant legislation and regulations


3.1 Western Caspian University is committed to conducting its procurement activities in a
sustainable, responsible, and ethical manner.We recognize that our purchasing decisions
have a significant impact on the environment, society, and economy, and we are dedicated to
minimizing any adverse effects while maximizing positive contributions.

3.2 The University will implement this Policy through the TS EN ISO 14001:2015 certified
Environmental Management System

3.3 This policy is aligned with our broader sustainability strategy and reflects our commitment
to continuous improvement in all aspects of our operations.We believe that by working
collaboratively with our suppliers, employees, and stakeholders, we can drive positive
change and create a more sustainable future for all.


4.1 The Sustainable Procurement Policy of Western Caspian University applies to all
procurement activities undertaken by Western Caspian University, including the acquisition
of goods, services, and works. The policy applies to all employees, contractors, and suppliers
involved in the procurement process.

4.2 The policy covers the following areas:

a) All campuses and units: The policy applies to all campuses, departments, faculties, research
centers and administrative units. This ensures a consistent approach to sustainability
procurement across the university.

b) Procurement activities: The policy applies to all procurement activities, encompassing the
acquisition of goods, services, works, and consultancy services. It is applicable to both capitals
and revenue expenditure, regardless of the funding source, whether it be government funding,
donor funds, or self-generated revenue.

c) Complete procurement cycle: The policy covers the entire process of procuring goods,
services or works from the initial planning stages to the end of the contract or agreement. This
includes identifying needs, selecting suppliers, negotiating contracts and managing
relationships. Environmental, social and economic impacts are taken into account at each
stage of the procurement process, from planning to disposal.

d) Contractors and subcontractors: Contractors and subcontractors engaged by Western
Caspian University to carry out works or provide services must also adhere to the
sustainability principles and standards outlined in this policy.

e) Grants or donations: For grants or donations received from external sources, Western
Caspian University will apply this policy to procure goods and services. The university will
also encourage donors and funding agencies to adhere to sustainable procurement
principles outlined in this policy.


Sustainable procurement at Western Caspian University refers to the strategic and transparent
approach of integrating environmental, social, and ethical considerations into our purchasing
decisions. It encompasses the entire procurement process, from supplier selection to contract
management, with the goal of minimizing negative impacts on the environment, supporting social
well-being, and promoting responsible business practices.


The objectives of a sustainable procurement policy include:

1. Developing sustainable procurement awareness and skills among staff and students across the
whole university

2. Improving the effectiveness and understanding of the Sustainable Procurement policy in line
with Government policies and regulations and regularly communicating this to all stakeholders.

3. Expanding relationships with suppliers to understand and reduce supply chain impacts and
purchase more sustainable and efficient products

5. Monitoring and reviewing of the sustainable procurement policy



1. Develop a communications plan to effectively deliver the Sustainable Procurement Policy to internal and external stakeholders
2. Development of supplier evaluation mechanism based on sustainable purchasing policy for the internal supplier
3. Assessment of competencies of internal staff acting as procurement officers in sustainable procurement.
4. Organization of education and training programs, awareness campaigns
5. Promoting and supporting research and innovation related to sustainable procurement
6. Supplier Selection Criteria: Development of supplier evaluation mechanism based on sustainable purchasing policy for the external suppliers
8. Conducting assessment of the current status of external suppliers regarding sustainability through the supplier evaluation mechanism

LONG-TERM PERIOD ACTIONS (within 10 years)

1. Prioritizing products that contribute to clean and renewable energy, resource efficiency and environmentally friendly practices in purchasing decisions
2. Providing full and fair opportunity, to avoid bias and prejudice in all procurement decisionmaking, to all suppliers including to local, small and medium sized organizations.
3. Organizing regular training on sustainability principles and practices for procurement staff
4. Prioritizing partnerships with companies or organizations that promote fair labor practices, stakeholder engagement and social well-being in their supply chains
5. Using the results of a monitored experiment to compare our results with similar organizations
6. Analyzing comparative performance to identify areas of expertise for improvement
7. Working with other bodies to share experiences and adopt good practice to promote continual improvement in sustainability practices and outcomes.


7.1 Western Caspian University recognizes that sustainability is a collective responsibility. The Policy delineates the roles and obligations of every participant in the procurement process, spanning from decision-makers to end-users.

Key responsibilities include:

a) Senior Leadership: Senior leadership is responsible for setting the strategic direction of our sustainable procurement efforts, ensuring that sustainability is integrated into our procurement practices.

b) Procurement Team: The procurement team is responsible for implementing the Sustainable Procurement Policy, including identifying sustainable procurement opportunities, engaging with suppliers, and monitoring compliance

c) End-Users: End-users are responsible for considering sustainability criteria when making purchasing decisions, such as selecting products with lower environmental impacts or choosing suppliers with strong ethical practices

d) Suppliers: Suppliers are expected to adhere to our sustainability standards, including providing transparent information about their environmental and social practices and complying with relevant laws and regulations.

e) Stakeholders: including students, faculty, staff, and the wider community, play a vital role in supporting our sustainable procurement efforts through feedback, collaboration, and advocacy.


9.1 Monitoring and reporting actions will be taken as the following:

a) Quality Assurance Department is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of this policy and will regularly review its implementation and assess its relevance, adequacy and effectiveness.

b) Any potential improvements will be implemented through the development of an updated policy as appropriate and further training as necessary.

c) Internal control systems and procedures are regularly reviewed to ensure that they are effective in practice.

These faculties have courses/modules related to the goal

Life Sciences

Science and Engineering

Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities