Western Caspian University


Goal 13 : Climate Action

"Urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts"


We provide 30  modules in the bachelor and master programs where our local and foreign educators provide high quality education with a modern curriculum and more than 800 students have the opportunity to choose these modules. During these programs we aim to enhance our students’ theoretical knowledge within classrooms and implement practical skills on the field.

What we are doing

Climate change is a serious threat and fighting  is a priority for both our research and development as a university to ensure that we preserve our world for generations to come.

Western Caspian University has committed to become a zero-carbon emitter by 2050. The University's Climate Strategy 2020 plan lays out a comprehensive whole institution approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation in order to achieve its ambitious targets.

Azerbaijan, along with more than 170 other countries, officially signed the Paris Agreement in 2016. The agreement sets out a global target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and a decisive call to action to mitigate dangerous climate change caused by human activity.

To meet this challenge, and to support Azerbaijan's and the world's transition to a low carbon economy we will take action in research, learning and teaching, operations, responsible investment, and we will opportunities presented by renewables  

We use living laboratories for learning and testing innovative ideas that can be replicated elsewhere including the  buildings of the University.


  • Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters;

  • Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning collaboration with governmental organizations and public NGOs;

  • Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.

  • The protection of the mountains, identifying recommendations for the protection of mountain cultures

  • Obtaining protection status of mountainous cultures facing the threat of extinction;

Environment Research Center is an institute of Western Caspian University, which operates research and educational activities in the environmental spheres.

Research activates include:

  • To raise awareness about environment issues and its management within and beyond the University

  • To discover and develop innovative, practical, and environmentally friendly energy resources

  • To implement different research studies about environmental topics

Caspian Sea Problems Center  is pursuing research excellence through discovery science and applied research with industrial partners. Our research focuses on the flora and fauna of aquatic waters of the Caspian Sea and its basin.

Research themes include:

  • Fluctuations in sea level

  • Study of seabed relief

  • Meteorological, hydrological, hydro-physical research

Environmental instructions

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These faculties have courses/modules related to the goal

Life Sciences

Science and Engineering

Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities

Climate Action Plan