Western Caspian University

Second higher education

Second higher education


Registration form for the second higher education


The Western Caspian University announces an admission to the repeated higher education according to the following programmes for the 2022/2023 academic year in accordance with the "Rules for the content, organization and issuance of relevant documents to persons trained in any area of additional education" approved by the Resolution No. 163 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 6, 2010:

1. Economy *

2. Finance *

3. Accounting *

4. Management

5. Organization of tourism work *

6. Marketing

7. Business management

8. Information technology

9. Computer Engineering *

10. Device engineering

11. Ecology

12. Biology

13. Forestry *

14. Political Science *

15. International relations

16. Public and municipal administration

17. Psychology *

18. Philosophy

19. History *

20. Social work

21. Design

22. Philology

23. Translation

(There is also a form of part-time education in majors marked with *)

The annual tuition fee for all specialties is 2400 AZN.

Repeated higher education is provided on a paid basis based on individual contracts concluded between enterprises, organizations, departments and individual citizens and the Western Caspian University. Repeated higher education is based on the basic education programs available for the bachelor's degree in the relevant specialty.

Required documents

• Application

• Notarized copy of the document on higher education (diploma and its appendix);

• Copy of employment history (if employed);

• 6 photos of 3 x 4 cm size;

• Copy of ID card;

• A copy of the military ID for boys or a certificate of military registration in the SSMCRA (The State Service for Mobilization and Conscription of the Republic of Azerbaijan);

• Health certificate.

Note: Graduates of foreign higher education institutions must submit a certificate issued by the Ministry of Education on the recognition and equivalence of their majors in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Interviews are conducted with those who have applied to the university for repeated higher education. Successfully passed applicants are admitted to the list of students in the relevant specialties for repeated higher education by contract.

Education is carried out in full-time and part-time forms and is conducted in Azerbaijani and Russian languages. The duration of education is determined by taking into account the difference between the previous basic education program and the basic education program of the new program. Those who successfully complete their education will be awarded a state Bachelor's Diploma.

Documents are accepted from 20.06.2022 to 31.08.2022.



Documents are accepted at two addresses:

Address: Western Caspian University, Ahmad Rajabli Street, III parallel / 21

Contact numbers: (012) 492 61 63 / internal-27;  565-39-76 / internal - 116

Email: distance_education@wcu.edu.az