The Western Caspian University is among the best universities in the world
The Western Caspian University is among the best universities in the world
The Times Higher Education (THE), one of the most influential rating agencies in the world, has announced the “THE Impact Ranking” for 2021.
In the ranking of the world's universities, which measures the adequacy of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and its impact on society, the Western Caspian University is ranked 601+ among 1240 world universities. It should be noted that more than 5,000 universities out of about 25,000 universities in the world apply to the organization every year to participate in the ranking, and this year 1240 of them are included in the ranking.
The high ranking of the Western Caspian University is the result of consistent efforts in recent years to improve the quality of education, to adapt to new challenges, the experience and trends of the world's leading universities.
However, we would like to note that the Western Caspian University has joined “THE Impact Ranking” not to fall into the rankings, but to adapt to the development trends of the best practices of the world's best universities, to respond adequately to global educational challenges.
Our university has achieved the best results, especially in 5 areas, and has become one of the best 201-300 universities in the world in these areas.
These goals include the development of an environment of social equality, participation in education and research to achieve food security and better nutrition, promotion of sustainable agriculture, affordable and clean energy, protection of marine ecosystems and strengthening research activities in this area, proper organization of biodiversity education and its social significance, the improvement of the environment for the elimination of inequality in education and extracurricular activities, and the impact of these factors on quality education.
At the same time, the university is among the top 301-400 universities in terms of promoting the equal distribution of water, the transition to sustainable consumption and production models, the fight against climate change and the creation of an environment for research in these areas
It ranks 401-600 in terms of gender equality, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment for all and the promotion of a decent work environment.
At the same time, according to the quality of education, the activity of the university was rated higher than the average rating.
It should be noted that the rating is dedicated to assessing the impact of universities on the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals until 2030, and assesses the organization of universities based on the implementation of these goals, the quality of education and their contribution to society.
At the same time, according to the quality of education, the activity of the university was rated higher than the average rating.
Congratulations to our teachers and students on this success, we will continue to work together to develop Azerbaijani education and make it one of the leading models of the world education system.
The full rating can be found at the following link: