Western Caspian University

There will be a webinar by a German professor

The Western Caspian University will host a webinar on "German Tourism after the Coronavirus" by Volker Adams, Head of the Foreign Travel Department of the German Travel Association, on June 30 at 17:00.

The webinar will discuss the difficulties and challenges posed by the global pandemic for German tourism, and how the German tourism industry will cope with these challenges.

Anyone can participate in the webinar, active participants will be awarded a certificate.

Link to the meeting:

https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OWJhOTgzZDUtYWZkYi00YWQxLWFkZTAtNTdiMWRiZWVjYzAw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a97233%4a9220 % 22Oid% 22% 3a% 22fb3808b1-659e-4b57-aee0-41f0787b94fa% 22% 7d