Western Caspian University

There will be a webinar by an Indonesian professor

There will be a webinar by an Indonesian professor

Organised by the Western Caspian University a webinar on "Digital Transformation Dilemma: Business Enhancement, Opportunity and Risk" will be held. The webinar will be hosted by Dr. Hardijanto Saroson a professor of Binus University of Indonesia.

The webinar, which will begin at 12:00 on March 16, will be in English and open to the public.

Certificates will be awarded to those who actively participate in the webinar.


Link to participate:

https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjkxMTEwOWQtMDIyNS00MmQ3LWE5ZjAtZmM5YTYwNGVhNzYw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Fid-2237-f220334-9253-9293 % 22Oid% 22% 3a% 22ad6f056c-7e15-4f04-a5b3-fdfcd6d67424% 22% 7d