Western Caspian University

Competency-Based Professional Education as the Main Goal of Modern Education

Competency-Based Professional Education as the Main Goal of Modern Education

The Western Caspian University is organising a Republic scientific-practical conference on April 26th, 2023, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, with a focus on "Competency-Based Professional Education as the Main Goal of Modern Education."

The conference will cover the following topics:

Integration of Azerbaijan into the global agricultural system under globalisation conditions;
Directions for regulating financial markets and monetary-credit mechanisms;
Development and innovation management of service areas;
Field economy and tourism;
Directions for social-economic development of regions;
Diversification of industry;
Priorities of competency-based professional education and labour market.

Articles and abstracts should be submitted electronically to conference.2022@wcu.edu.az no later than April 15th, 2023.

Language and formatting requirements for the conference:

Conference materials can be written in Azerbaijani, Russian, or English. The text should be compiled in Microsoft Word for Windows, using Times New Roman font (size 12, line spacing 1), with no more than 3-5 pages in A4 format (210x297 mm) - with margins of 2 cm from the left, right, top, and bottom.

A section should be indicated at the beginning of the text, followed by the surname, name, and patronymic of the researcher, their academic degree, the name of their institution, email address, phone number, and the title of the conference material written in capital letters in the centre of the next line.

References and sources used in the conference material should be indicated in the following manner:

The list of references is given at the end of the text in the order of occurrence.

The reference list is based on the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Preference should be given to scientific articles and monographs of the last five to tenyears in the reference list.

The number of the referenced literature should be indicated in the text as [...].

Authors are responsible for their articles.

Contact information:

Email: conference.2022@wcu.edu.az

Phone: +994 12 565 39 74 (Department of Science)

Address: Azerbaijan, Baku, Ahmad Rajabli Street, III Parallel, 17A, AZ1072

CONFERENCE SECTION (Must be included)

Author's name, patronymic, surname

Organisation, Higher Education Institution (in italic)

Email: (in italic)

TITLE OF ABSTRACT (In bold and capital letters)

ABSTRACT (in English)