Western Caspian University Achieves Recognition in Times Higher Education's 2023 Impact Rankings
Times Higher Education (THE), one of the world's most influential ranking organisations, has unveiled the results of its "Impact Rankings 2023." This year, a total of 1,591 universities from 112 countries were included in the rankings.
Western Caspian University has secured a position in the global rankings, being placed at 601+ among world universities according to THE. However, based on specific indicators, the university achieved noteworthy rankings in several categories.
In terms of "Gender Equality," Western Caspian University is in the 101-200 range, while in "Reducing Inequality," it falls within the 201-300 range. Furthermore, the university has been positioned in the 301-400 range for "Responsible Consumption and Production" and "Partnerships for the Goals."
It is worth noting that these rankings assess the impact of leading institutions on the realisation of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The evaluation takes into consideration the organisation, quality of education, and contributions to society made by universities in alignment with these goals.