Western Caspian University Hosted a Republican Scientific-practical Conference
The Republican Scientific-Practical Conference on "Global Challenges and Perspectives in Economic Development" dedicated to the 99th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev was organized by the Western Caspian University.
Initially, a short film about the political activities of the great leader was demonstrated.
In the plenary session of the conference Professor Huseyn Bagirov, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of economic sciences, professor Ali Nuriyev, vice-rector of the Heydar Aliyev Academy of the State Security Service Elshad Nasirov, head of the Academy of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, major general Gulu Novruzov, Adviser on Science and Foreign Relations of Azerbaijan University of Technology, Doctor of Economics Mayis Gulaliyev, Doctor of Economics, Professor Mushvig Atakishiyev, Professor of the Institute of Economics of ANAS, Doctor of Economics Fuad Ganbarov, Professor of Sumgayit State University, Doctor of Economics Shafa Aliyev, Professor of the Academy of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Economics Safar Purhani, Director of the Center of Additional Education in Innovative Technologies in Education Isa Gasimov made reports on the economic aspects of the great leader's activities. It was noted that during the leadership of the great politician in Azerbaijan in the Soviet Union - in 1969-1982, approximately 250 large industrial enterprises were launched in the country. The volume of industrial products produced in these years was equal to the volume of the previous 50 years. In those years, Azerbaijan resembled a huge construction site.
It was also noted that the great leader not only saved Azerbaijan from the crisis and turmoil in the early 1990s, but also put it on the path of development and made it an active and influential participant in the political and economic relations at the international level. The speakers also stressed that the strategy of the great leader was diversified by Ilham Aliyev, a successor of his political school, and the brilliant victory in the Second Karabakh War, which ensured our territorial integrity, turned Azerbaijan into a center that affects not only regional power but also the global agenda.Then the conference continued its work in the section meetings.