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International Forum on ‘Education Transformation’ Deadline

Western Caspian University will host the International Forum on ‘Education Transformation’ in partnership with the Times Higher Education on June 14th, 2021. The forum will focus on the role of universities in the UN’s work for the Sustainable Development Goals.

The pandemic has exposed global inequalities and disrupted the education system, while also creating an opportunity to build a better education system and imagine a new era for teaching and pedagogy. The forum will focus on the role of universities in achieving the goal of Quality Education, one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in quality education, and explore the following objectives:

- Commitment of universities to improve access to education

- Creation of inclusive education models

- To acquire lifelong learning habits

- A new period for short-term courses and certificates

- Will education be based on experience in the future?

- The role of partnership in achieving the goal of quality education.

For more information about the event and registration, please visit the following link: https://www.timeshighered-events.com/impact-education-forum-2021/home?fbclid=IwAR1HLFHGlawdV3JJkR5NxrpZG2GJu2J1p15e14NaKaPF0j

Participation in the event is free for WCU representatives and students.