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Conference: Youth Union of New Azerbaijan Party

On April 15th, 2015 active students of Western University took party in the fourth election conference of the Youth Union of the New Azerbaijan Party Sabail District Office headed by the Authorised Chairman of the WU Youth Student Organisation Ramiz Allahverdiyev.

At the conference Chairman of the Youth Union of the New Azerbaijan Party Sabail District Office Rashad Farajov, member of the Political Council and Chairman of the Youth Wing of the New Azerbaijan Party Seymur Orujov, Sabail District Executive Member of the Political Council of the Party Arif Askerov and Chairman of the Standing Commission of the Milli Mejlis for Science and Education Shamsaddin Hajiyev made an appearance.

Participants honoured the memory of the former Sabail Regional Branch Chairman Zahid Garalov. After that a range of organisational issues were considered and the members of the management team of the Youth Union were determined, 27 members were elected to the Council and 17 to the Board. Later, the composition of the delegation for participation in the national conference of the Youth Union of the New Azerbaijan Party was determined. It will consist of 20 members. Rashad Farajov was elected Chairman of the Youth Union of the New Azerbaijan Party Sabail District Office.