Western Caspian University


The Center of Quality Control and Assessment

    The Center of Quality Control and Assessment executes a range of functions on improving the quality of teaching; organizing and managing exams; assessment and quality assurance at Western Caspian University. The activity of the center includes formulating development concepts for improving the quality of teaching, preparing proposals for their implementation and participating in the implementation process, providing recommendations to improve the performance and structure of the university, by implementing proposals, setting up temporary commissions to investigate specific cases related to examination and colloquium.

     The center applies local and international experience in its activity, giving suggestions for autumn and summer semester in the university as well as control of midterm examinations, reviewing the results of the examination and eliminating shortcomings by preparing proposals, conducts surveys on the quality of the teaching process, conditions, the level of knowledge and skills of the teachers. At the same time the center provides academic staff with training courses in order to use gained experience and knowledge in the practical teaching process.

     The center cooperates with different international organizations to enhance the quality of teaching and develop teacher-student relationships through the implementation of projects. One of the main goals of the center is to study the best practices of other countries in the context of integration into European educational standards and to carry out activities in this area.