Western Caspian University


Sustainability in Business course

Length: 8 week

Effort: 2–3 hours per week


Institution: Western Caspian University

Level: Introductory

Language: English

Instructor: Hriday Sarma





About this course

The course demonstrates generic teaching strategies on different aspects of the theme. The success activity of the organization is measured not only by the financial demonstrators, but also by the environment and social demonstrators. In order for the organization's business to be sustainable, customer satisfaction should be sustainable increased, and high-level relationships should be established with colleagues. Ensuring the integration of the sustainability business structure with the sustainability development structures of the organizations should be important in dealing with the risks that may arise in the business processes. The course will be reading intensive and will involve classroom presentation of projects by students, both as an individual and as pa team. 

What you'll learn

  • The socio-technicalities concerning sustainable development and its value in the present context.
  • Why should businesses, both large and small, need to accept sustainability as part of its growth strategy and how to proceed with that?
  • Role of the state, regional organizations and international organizations in promoting (or obstructing) sustainable businesses cases.


Note that this is peer to peer learning. 

"Don't Cancel that Class" (wherein graduate students fill in for absent professors to teach students about various campus sustainability progress, opportunities and endeavors), campus sustainability newsletter, etc

What you'll learn

  • The socio-technicalities concerning sustainable development and its value in the present context.
  • Why should businesses, both large and small, need to accept sustainability as part of its growth strategy and how to proceed with that?
  • Role of the state, regional organizations and international organizations in promoting (or obstructing) sustainable businesses cases.