Western Caspian University

University Ethics


1. Introduction

Western Caspian University (WCU) recognizes the critical importance of fostering ethical behavior in the organizational culture that permeates every aspect of its operations. It serves as a policy
the foundational document that outlines the principles, values and practices that guide ethical behavior within WCU. By adhering to these standards, WCU aims to foster a community that upholds the highest standards of integrity, respect and responsibility, and to ensure that ethical considerations are met.
is at the forefront of all decision-making processes.
At WCU, ethical behavior is not only a requirement, but a core value that shapes our interactions with each other, our stakeholders and the wider community. This policy reflects our commitment to promoting a culture of ethics and integrity in which every member of the WCU community is empowered to act in accordance with our shared values. Through this commitment, WCU works
maintain the trust and confidence of everyone we serve, both now and in the future.

2. Legal and International Compliance

The Ethical Organizational Culture Policy of the Western Caspian University was developed in full accordance with the relevant laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan and international standards. The University reflects its commitment to the protection of basic rights and freedoms established by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other relevant legislative acts. This policy will be fully compliant
Laws and normative legal acts operating in Azerbaijan, including the Labor Code of Azerbaijan and the Occupational Health and Safety Law on the rights of workers and ensuring justice in the workplace.
In addition, Western Caspian University is committed to complying with internationally accepted regulations
standards and obligations. This includes taking into account the provisions of international documents such as
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Fundamental Declaration of the United Nations
Principles and Rights at Work in developing and implementing this policy.

3. Objectives

The objectives of the policy are:

  • Promoting a Culture of Ethics and Integrity
  • To Ensure Compliance and Legal Adherence
  • Promoting Accountability and Responsibility
  • Building Stakeholder Confidence and Trust
  • Supporting Continuous Improvement

4. Scope of the Policy

This policy applies to all members of the Western Caspian University community, including
employees, students, interns and volunteers, as well as any persons directly involved or
indirect labor relations.

5. Ethical Principles

5.1. Integrity: WCU maintains the highest standards of honesty and integrity in all its endeavors
and relationships. This requires the application and fulfillment of truthfulness and transparency in communication
to take responsibilities and behave according to the principles of the university.

5.2. Respect: WCU values the dignity, diversity and rights of every individual. we promise
to foster an inclusive and welcoming environment where everyone is treated fairly, with respect,
and empathetically.

5.3. Responsibility: WCU students, staff,
faculty and the wider community. We strive to act in a socially responsible manner,
considering the effects of our choices and behaviors on the environment and society.

6. Ethical Decision Making

6.1. Fairness: WCU is dedicated to fairness and equality in every interaction. we defend for
to ensure that all individuals are treated fairly and that decisions are made on the basis of merit and suitability

6.2. Transparency: WCU promotes and ensures transparency in its decision-making processes
information is shared openly and honestly with all stakeholders.

6.3. Accountability: WCU is responsible for its actions and choices. we dedicate
transparency in our operations and acknowledging and correcting any errors or omissions.

6.4. Compliance: WCU complies with all applicable laws, regulations and ethical standards,
demonstrates commitment to legal and ethical behavior.

7. Ethical Conduct

7.1. Professional Conduct: At WCU, we adhere to the highest standards of professionalism
behavior. It also includes treating others with respect, honesty and integrity in all interactions
within and outside the university community. We are waiting for all members of our society
students, staff and faculty must uphold these principles in their daily activities.

7.2. Resolution of Conflicts: WCU is committed to resolving conflicts of interest and disputes fairly,
in an unbiased and transparent manner. We provide clear instructions and procedures for applying
to ensure that all parties involved in conflicts are treated with respect and that resolutions are reached
through open and constructive dialogue. Our goal is to promote a culture of mutual understanding
and cooperation, where conflicts are seen as opportunities for growth and improvement.

8. Planned activities, monitoring and reporting

Implementation of the Unified Ethical Organizational Culture Policy in the Western Caspian Sea
The university will be governed by a comprehensive strategy. This strategy includes the following key

Short-term planned activities (within 3 years)

Conduct regular ethics training and workshops to raise awareness and promote understanding
ethical standards and behavior among all staff, faculty and students.
Developing a comprehensive Code of Ethics that outlines the expected standards of conduct
for all members of the university community
Implementation of an anonymous ethics hotline or reporting system for individuals to report
ethical concerns or violations confidentially.
Conducting ethical impact assessments for key decisions and projects to ensure ethics
considerations are integrated into the decision-making process.

Long-term planned activities (within 10 years)

Promotion of research and innovation in the field of ethical organizational culture
Breach management and reporting on conflict resolution outcomes
Annually conducting ethical audits and evaluating policy implementation
Conducting training sessions for employees, students and academic staff to disseminate ethical guidelines
Supporting regulatory initiatives to promote a single ethical organizational culture

9. Execution

WCU will regularly monitor and evaluate its ethical culture to assess the effectiveness of its policies
and programs. This includes soliciting feedback from stakeholders, conducting ethical audits and
make improvements based on findings.