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International Agricultural Scientific Conference

Conference Ecology Part I.pdf

Conference Ecology Part II.pdf

Conference Ecology Part III.pdf

The Organizing Committee of the International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘New Trends in the Development of Agriculture and Environmental Protection’ invites you to participate in the conference on December 19th, 2020 at West Caspian University (Azerbaijan, Baku).

The conference is open to international and national experts- scientific and pedagogical personnel, doctoral students, dissertators, students, managers and specialists of regional environmental organisations, as well as all those who are interested in the issues.

The current period is characterized by scientific and technological development, increased use of chemicals in agriculture, the creation of modern livestock complexes, food security, global warming, adverse climatic conditions and many problems in agriculture.

Environmental protection is a critical factor. Adverse climatic conditions and water scarcity caused by anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems have led to food shortages. The solution to these problems can be achieved by increasing and improving environmental education, training and culture.

The main directions of the scientific, practical conference:

  • Environmental Protection as an Urgent Problem of Modern Society
  • New Directions of Agricultural Development
  • Water-saving with Modern Irrigation Methods
  • Increase Soil Fertility with Vermiculture
  • The Creation of Insect Resistant Plant Varieties
  • Chemicalization & Soil Protection
  • Environmental Problems Created by Modern Economic Complexes (Animal Husbandry, Agro-Economic Complexes, etc.)
  • Negative Consequences of Modern Agricultural Holdings on the Hydrosphere- The Role of Agricultural Holdings in the Pollution of Seas, Lakes & Rivers
  • The Use of Wild Plants in the Production of Environmentally Friendly Food Products
  • The Leading Role of Agricultural Enterprises in Solving the Problem of Food Shortages
  • Improving Environmental Education, Culture & Modern Practices.

Speakers will discuss ways to ensure safe living conditions for people, create a favorable environment, develop unique technologies to reduce the risk of adverse effects on environmental components and propose an action plan to solve environmental problems. It is commendable that outstanding scientists of our republic will discuss this topic together.