Western Caspian University


Technopark Displays Xseron

Intellectual Property Agency & Economic Reform Analysis & Communication Center hosted a conference on ‘Innovative Development & Economic Reforms: The Role of Commercialisation of Intellectual Property & Technology’. During the event start-up projects were demonstrated.

An artificial intellect module, Xseron, developed at WCU Technopark, also featured at the conference. Xseron artificial intelligence module has attracted great interest of exhibitors.

XSERON is an AI module and uses radio-controlled gloves with a range of 1000 meters. The six-wheel drive can rotate at any angle. Movements backward and forward are controlled by hand. Various sensors respond to flame, temperature, humidity, gas flow sensor, etc.

All sensory information can be sent to any place on the Internet. Using the robotic arm, the operator can put out a fire with a spray of water. The unit can also transform into a drone with capability to dump water in a fire zone.

WCU students Jabrail Shahbazov and Murad Eyvazade are active participates in trainings at the University Technopark.