Western Caspian University


Research & Coordination Center

The Research and Coordination Centre aims to support bachelors, masters and doctorate students as well as faculty and research staff of the University in their academic and scientific activities. The Centre works in information and organisational support. Informative support activities include training and workshops on scientific work, strategies and standards, consultations for masters and doctorate degrees, providing information about international scientific conferences, the University’s scientific journal as well as international scientific publications, funding prospects for research projects, information on internationally recognised and reputed funds in academic and scientific research, access to their resources, etc.

Organisational support includes support for communication and networking among university research staff, coordination of scientific projects with other universities, organising conferences and discussions, and facilitating cooperation with research centres operating in the country and in the region. The Centre also hosts scientific essay competitions, discussions and reading workshops for students.

Contact: research.coordination@wcu.edu.az